Welcome to Love Overwhelming
At Love Overwhelming, we are dedicated to EXTENDING HOPE through recovery-oriented programs and services. We believe when people are supported hope is developed. Hope empowers and guides people in their recovery and journey towards a better life.
The belief that recovery is real provides the essential and motivating message of a better future – that people can and do overcome the internal and external challenges, barriers, and obstacles that confront them.

Love Overwhelming's relational service model allows staff and volunteers to develop a rapport with service recipients while assisting in meeting their immediate needs of Laundry.
Rapport turns to trust over time and leads to richer opportunities for engagement into:
- case management,
- supportive housing programs,
- employment development programs, and
- recovery services aimed at increasing self-sufficiency and decreasing dependence on the social service system.

Intensive Community Peer Support Services
Our team is comprised of State Certified Peer Support Staff who provide dedicated support to help individuals on their journey towards recovery and increased self-sufficiency.

Community Collaboration
Through community collaboration a root system forms that Increases coordination of services for holistic recovery support, (home,
health, purpose, culture, community, and vocational services), provides support services, housing options, housing programs,
decreased time spent in homelessness, reduced time spent unhoused, gains in self-sufficiency, housing stability and reduction in public monies being spent in regards to civil service response, emergency department, hospital, psych units, and crisis support units.
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Join our community and stay updated on our programs and events. Follow us on social media for inspiring content and stories of hope.

Support Our Mission
Help us extend hope and support to those in need. Every donation makes a difference in our community.